What is an Invert art ?

        In this article, I'm gonna tell you guys how to do an Invert Art, or Negative Art. If you haven't heard about it before, here is an invert artwork done by me.

Wolverin invert art

          The Wolverine, obviously. But the desired image is only visible if we invert the image. The reverse image looks something like this.

Wolverin invert art

          This technique is perfect if the desired image has dark areas in a majority. You'll have to draw the inverted version of the image and then invert it to get the original image. The black gets converted to white and vice-versa.

          Talking about colors, do you think this art is limited to black and white? checkout the below art...

invert flame fire

blue flame? On inverting it becomes something else

invert flame fire

The invert of dark blue is yellow, and as the blue become lighter, the yellow becomes reddish.

The invert art technique was discovered by a Malaysian Artist named Brian Lai in 2013. You can check out his artworks at   http://briartlai.blogspot.in/p/invert-art.html

Can't wait to try this out? The technique is quite simple. Check out my article  "How to do an invert art".  Also don't forget to share and subscribe to my blog.
